Sunday, July 11, 2010

sunday stirrings...

a dear friend gently reminded me that it's been almost two months since i last posted...and a few things have happened in those two months that probably deserve some space on the blog.

so here are some stirrings in my head and heart on this beautiful sunday morning...

1. ch-ch-changes
most of you know but i have recently changed jobs. after working at ada bible church for the past year and having to go through some very difficult discerning about vocation i decided to resign from my position there and i took a job back at calvin college in the admissions office. i am grateful for my time at ada bible, especially for the people. they encouraged and supported me as i stepped back into a career as part of my new normal. and as this new normal began to set more in the realization that i'm on my own and i need to form a life without mike became more solid. so i considered what i wanted to really be doing vocational for long-term and higher education was at the forefront. working with college students, serving in a university just evokes a joy and satisfaction. so i am grateful that i've been able to return to calvin. it's a community that i really believe in and am excited to be a part of.

so my new position is admissions counselor so i will work with prospective students, travel to college fairs, participate in campus visits. i just completed my first week and it's been really good. not sure where my travel territory is but maybe it will take me to your neck of the woods!

2. mi casa
well the house is still on the market. despite the charm and beauty of my home, the market especially here in michigan is still rough. after having to drop the price i find myself getting prepared for the reality that i may stay in my house for a couple of years till the market (hopefully) recovers. i consider this with a lot of mixed emotions. i want to be financially wise about this decision, but there's also the time and work that a home requires that i struggle with. and yet i love this space. honestly there's not to much stress with this, because i feel i've done all that i can and i really trust in God's timing and provision. so i'm grateful i've been able to surrender control over all this.

3. the D word
there's been a lot more talk about dating in my world. people wondering if i'm ready, friends offering to set me up, the looming reality of on-line dating. this whole topic may have to wait for it's own posting...yikes!

4. time
the classic sentiment "there's not enough hours in the day" is what my life feels like. between wedding photography, changing jobs, taking care of the house, trying to stay connected with family and friends, having space for me....i just feel like i'm failing to stay on top of everything. summer has finally emerged here in michigan and i've done little to enjoy it. so here's to hoping for more bike rides, evenings on my front porch, playing with my nephews and niece, lingering through the farmer's market...i just want a pure michigan summer! (every time i hear these commercials i get a bit emotional! ha!)

1 comment:

m love said...

thanks for the post and updates kelly. i check in on your blog daily. great to hear your voice from such a distance.

the pure michigan commercials play here in CA. if i am watching the commercial with others i get all excited that this is where i am from.