Thursday, July 15, 2010

getting back to the basics...

one of the gifts i received from my time working at ada bible church was being reminded that in a world that is over-saturated, over-stimulated, noisy, and all about immediate gratification there is a source of peace, simplicity, and encouragement.

but we take it for granted, it collects dust, we avoid it cause it's intimidating, convicting, confusing, mysterious.

i remember my first one. big and heavy, full of illustrations to help make the stories appeal to a young girl. when i personally committed myself to following Jesus in high school i realized these stories were a love letter to me, from God. i read, studied, highlighted, scribbled notes. it gave me guidance and encouragement during those crazy teen years. but with time i got distracted, bored, undisciplined. during college it was more a reference for homework than something personal or inspiring.

but it was always there. sometimes on a shelf, maybe on the bedside table, a casual companion to church.

but my time serving at the church refreshed my love and trust in this sacred book.

the Bible.

God's word to us.

The Story of brokenness, grace, redemption, love, hope, justice, and peace.

and the more i spent time revisiting the scriptures i found myself filled with joy and wisdom, discernment and hope.

this summer i'm joining a bible study with some of my friends. i could get into my negative connotations towards bible studies, but let's just say they never appealed to me. but as we met for the first time this week i found myself filled with anticipated to explore the Bible with these women. we're starting with the book of Ephesians. i can't wait to know the Bible more intimately and to know my God more personally.

1 comment:

Gail said...

I feel like you and I could connect on our thoughts about Bible studies. I've been thinking for some time now that I need to find something like this. I wish I lived in your neck of the woods as I'd love to come join you!