Wednesday, March 10, 2010

it's smells like life...

i have been thinking about the change of the seasons. i don't want to miss spring this year. i want to be there on the spot the moment the grass turns green.

annie dillard

with spring inching it's way in i've been anticipating that first scent of fresh, earthy, mud, grass, life. the snow is dissipating, patches of hibernating ground are revealed and my spring bulbs are peeking through.
i need to be reminded of life, of renewal, that there is another side to our "winters".
an update on my lent adventures...i am coming to terms that I am not a very self-disciplined person and it's a daily choice and focus to remain faithful to these commitments. taking a break from facebook has been easy and i had a friend change my password so i can't even access it if i wanted to.
sugar...well that's a different story.
i miss chocolate. a lot. and with the weather getting warmer i dream of creamy scoops of ice cream.
i can't say that i'm finding more moments to reflection, rest, process this lent season. work, house projects, photography business seem to take precedence. life feels unsettled, rushed, and i'm just hanging on to this unpredictable ride. so i can say it affirms for me that i long for more simplicity, to slow life down, to prioritize where i will give of myself, to intentionally engage in my life, instead of feeling at the mercy of it all.
so as another winter passes i can say i am anxious and hopeful for what new things will emerge for me this spring.

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