Friday, January 29, 2010


yesterday my grandma schleyer passed away, quietly in her sleep. she was my last grandparent so the loss of her presence seems to have even more significance.

there's much of her life that i never really knew. but what i did know of her was that she was independent, strong-willed (or a bit stubborn), intelligent, honest, fiercely protective and loving. one of my favorite memories of my grandma is how she gave us applesauce with red hots in it and we swirled it to make pink applesauce! i thought it was magic...

love you grandma!


Deanna said...

So sorry, friend. Thinking of you today.....

Gail said...

Oooh..I'm so sorry Kelly! I love that memory you shared of your grandmother. It just sounds like something my grandma would have done too! I have one living grandmother, so I can only imagine the loss. I know one day I'll have to face it. I'll be praying for you in the days ahead...