Thursday, October 16, 2008

his namesake...

Our dear friends Chad and Marlana moved last spring to Guatemala to fulfill their heart's desire and calling to serve orphans. I can still remember when they first shared with Mike and I that they had found a specific place, a specific community they knew they were called to make their new home. We felt so much joy because they have been praying and dreaming for years to serve God overseas. Of course we were sad too...Chad and Mike were like brothers, sharing a friendship that was both marked with laughter and heart. Chad and Marlana helped moves us out to Seattle when we went to grad school and we've come to love all of their kids, as "Aunt Kelly and Uncle Mike".

It was difficult not having them here as I faced the loss of Mike, but they were expecting baby number four. And the day before Mike's memorial they welcomed their beautiful daughter, Anabella Michal. It was so meaningful that they gave her Mike's name, to honor him, to remember him.

We asked people to consider offering donations to the Smith family, to support their calling, in lieu of flowers. Myself and Mike's family were so blessed and grateful for the generous gifts and I can't wait to pass along the blessing to Chad, Mar, their kids, and their works with orphans.

1 comment:

Pepper Blossom said...

kelly, my heart has turned to you many times since hearing of mike's passing. many of the things that you have written so far sound like excerpts from my own journal when we lost our first son three days after his birth 4 years ago. when you have been ushered into a tragedy such as the one you are currently swirling in there are no words, at least words feel so inadequate. there needs to be a whole new vocabulary and you are right all you can do for a while is feel whatever it is you are feeling. as i am sure you know God is so huge and he can handle whatever you need to throw to Him. He is so sad and broken over your loss i know He is. this is not how our lives were meant to be lived, to include "missing and seperation" just isn't the way He intended us to live. it may be too soon, i needed about 3 months of space to just feel, but when you are ready i pray you find a community of people who have been through what you have so all you have to do is look at them and they will know... i am still praying for you and thinking of you as your days continue to be a roller coaster of feelings, thoughts and emotions.