Sunday, January 21, 2007

what's next...

now that the energy of the holiday season has died down, it's starting to set in more than we only have a few months left here at calvin college. which stirs up a lot of being what's next for me?

i sit in a tension of my hopes and realities...i tend to be more practical in my plans and am not very good at being still. but i feel like i'm being called to rest for a season and allow there to be space to dream and discover possibilities.

one of those possibilities that seems to be building is my photography. i got a taste of having a photography business while in seattle. this past summer i picked it up again and shot two weddings. and i have 4 weddings already booked for this summer. i am working with a graphic designer to develop some marketing (web-site, brochures,etc...) so hopefully "kp photography" will soon be on-line. till then this is my portfolio i've got on-line. if you know anyone looking for family/senior portraits or wedding work in the michigan area, i'm taking clients.

other job ideas that are on the table:
coffee barista (return to my starbuck's days)
part-time work at calvin college
running a trader joe's store (which i am currently petitioning they build one in GR)
work at an art gallery
work at target (just for the discounts!!!)

till then the house is keeping us busy...mike's dad has been very generous with his time, putting up new electrical work in the basement. i'm picking out paint colors (could there be any more shades of "white"???). it's all a bit overwhelming but we're grateful for it...


PPotter said...

Wow Kelly! The pics you took at those wedding were gorgeous! You have a gift - pursue it.
love, Pat

Nate said...

Those pictures are fantastic! You are SO hired to take pictures of our family the next time you are in Naperville! :)


melissa said...

hey kelly!

love the photography idea! i'm sort of pursuing the same thing myself (on the side at the moment)... how fun!!