For those reading this post and know us...this will most likely be a surprise. Kelly and I bought a house...well, technically we made an offer, the sellers countered, and we accepted. So really we must await inspections, etc., etc...
BUT, we have a house! And we move in May 2007! Holy crap that seems so far away, and yet given how quickly these past few months have sped by, I believe we will be entering into another time warp. I've tried convincing Kelly that we could "appear" to be living in our dorm apartment here at Calvin while covertly residing at 253 Hobart SE. Problem is Kelly and I are both bad liars and usually get found out. So then we discussed calling our "tentative" home (trying not to get too attached yet) our winter "cottage" for retreats away from home. It will not have furniture yet, but we could do some "winter" camping by pitching our tent in the livingroom next to the fireplace. Speaking of furniture...I think our first piece of furniture will be a cat. Kelly wants to name the cat "Linus" and I was thinking of "Charles". What if it is a female, you may be asking?? The answer is simply that cat's are rather androgynous and no one will really know. back to the house...
The story? Well, we were given great advice NOT to be looking at homes until we are somewhat ready to move. But no one told us not to shop for neighborhoods...
So we were traveling through a couple of our favorite 'hoods and, shall I say, stumbled into the driveway of 253 Hobart. Truth be told, 2-3 different folks/friends we know told us of this house...therefore, I doubt our motives of simply looking. But, we got online later that evening and did the virtual tour thing and days later made an offer.
The timing of our purchase couldn't be any poorer, given that Kelly is in the midst of the busiest season of the year. I can't count how many times I had to call and interupt her mid-meetings to step out and schedule signings, meeting with the realtor, etc. We've designated the month of August as "married-to-your-job" month as she is involved with trainings of the new leadership staff.
All in all, we are excited--even though Kelly keeps suggesting she is in denial. Now, a month from now you may be reading a new post stating "we bought a house! 1435 Milton"--a different house indeed. Therefore we are open to the realization that sometimes things do not work out the way we plan. But if there is no word from us by September 29th, you can assume we have joined the ranks of being taxed and nickel-and-dimed.
check it out if you wish...
The plan is to do some cosmetic surgery between now and the time we would move...painting, carpet upstairs, bathrooms, etc. we'll see...
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