Friday, June 23, 2006

i'm a bag lady....

in my effort to live a more consicous life i started this past year using canvas tote bags at the grocery stores instead of the plastic ones that i hear take thousands of years to decompose. my favorite bag is from trader joe's (which i desperately wish we had one in grand rapids) i know many people think that something so little won't make a difference in the state of our environment, but it has changed me. there is something really satisfying about not throwing away one more thing. it has shaken me out of the consumer-convenience-wasteful state that our culture breeds. i certainly get funny looks at the stores as i grab for my pile of canvas bags. but maybe it will evoke others to be more aware of their actions and if there are being good stewards of our world.

hi, my name is kelly and i'm a bag lady...and proud of it!!!

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