Monday, June 19, 2006

home is where...

so in the past month or so mike and i have begun having serious conversations about buying a home. i will only serve at calvin for one more year so we'll need to find new digs after that. it's exciting to dream about having our own little place...but scary when we think of the costs and responsibilities.

we're hoping to stay close to downtown GR (cause that's where all the action is at yo) the neighborhoods have character, culture, and diversity that we feel drawn to...

so any tips/advice/donations that you want to contribute to the powers' dream home project are welcome. but we do appreciate your prayers...for us we don't just want a house but a community to share life with, a place that could be a nurturing home for future children, a home to serve out of. and a state of the art kitchen wouldn't hurt.


reb buxton said...

glad to read your story. good to hear your heart. you two are fun. i'm sure if were lived in the same city we would all be great friends. on buying a house: that lousy cliche about location is actually one to heed. if you're thinking long-term stretch yourself. don't buy a house because it's a good price but the location is iffy. just my thoughts.

jenna said...

Hi Mike & Kelly! So glad you've joined the blogging world! We miss you guys & hope we can hang out sometime soon! Hope all is well.