Thursday, July 13, 2006

Not for the faint of heart...

(this is mike finally entering into the world of blogging)

ok...let me throw out some big words.

-syncope-likely orthostatic hypotension
-exercise-induced ventricular ectopy
-mitral valve prolapse with mild mitral regurgitation

why the random medical terminology that explains very little? These were exactly the words used to describe my "condition" that kept me 2 days at Spectrum Hospital (technically 3 days but that is the full-text version). So I have been experiencing some tightening of the chest over the last 3-4 months and even my doctor asked that I schedule a full physical as I am now "30" and am not getting any younger. Yet, "I am 'only' 30 and I'll live" has been my attitude.

imagine, if you will...I am working at the CMH (that is Community Mental Health) agency last Wednesday. I am collecting my goods before heading up front to psychiatrically assess a patient who has just arrived. I am alone--for which I am usually most grateful (no office politics)--yet this evening it proves to work against me. As I am making my way up front, time suddenly ceases and the next thing I know is that I am waking up from what seems like a long nap on the floor of our building. Or was it a nap? I literally have the thought as I am coming to..."did I lie down on the floor and fall asleep?" I then soon realize that I had fainted for the first time in my life. I get up and realize how "normal" I feel other than my injured knee (I somehow injured it in the fall), swollen eye brow, and carpet-burned nose. Several minutes later I am now sitting in the ER with Kelly. They admit me due to a heart rate of 40. Rumor has it that 40 is okay when you are an avid exerciser. As my wife can attest to...i most certainly am not! They run a barrage of tests...such as an echocardiogram. (I just like to say this) My cardiologist makes the connection that my heart arrhythmia can cause one to pass out. He refers me to a special heart specialist who says the two are not connected. Who to listen to? I ask that all the doctors get together and decide on what to tell me...and then let me know. I am told later to listen to the last guy. The summary...after 2.5 days later, i am cleared and on my way home. What I do know is that my heart is rhythmically challenged (as are my feet) and my heart is strong in spite of my being in the hospital due to heart issues. I am scheduled to have an MRI in a couple weeks to see about a rare condition that would explain the irregular irregularities...but given that this is outpatient, it must not be life threatening. I am grateful.

So I go back to my normal routine--no significant changes. And yet kelly and I received this free week-pass to MVP sportsplex this week. I found myself exercising in spite of my determination to live my normal routine. I even found myself looking online as to membership for the future. I wonder if there is some underlying working within my psyche...or fear...or my wife's ongoing request that I work out with her? Change is good.


jenna said...

Wow, that is very scary! I'm so glad you are ok!

Nate said...

First...whoa...I'm so glad you are okay. That is scary!

Second...I'm so happy you guys have a blog. You are both great writers and I love reading them. Thanks!
